As well as a busy and active afterschool programme, we offer a range of exciting opportunities within curriculum time too.
This term the Year 5 and 6 children have participated in a series of swimming sessions. The aim of these sessions are to get everyone swimming at least 25m, become competent in a range of water safety skills and developing individual skill level. The children have also taken part in a series of football coaching sessions with FA coach Matt Owen. Matt has an enthusiastic approach making the game fun and enjoyable for all as well as raising skill level.
Year 3 & 4 classes have all been working with Newcastle Falcon coach Keith Robinson, participating in a rugby scheme called Try to Sign. The children take part in an active session and then follow up their learning through sign language back in the classroom. All classes really enjoyed the scheme with many children attending the afterschool club. Next term there will be a tag rugby festival for Year 3 and 4 so perhaps encourage your youngsters to continue their skills and attend the club in the New Year? Throughout the year all Year 3 and 4 children have the opportunity to develop their gymnastic skills though a ten week programme with coaches at Penrith Leisure Centre. So far this year Buttermere and Coniston have participated. The children have access to the expert coaches and equipment at the centre and gain in confidence and skill level too.