From dancing in the snow in the autumn term and learning about space and the solar system, to playing Rounders, Wheel Chair Basketball and Boogie Bounce - Crummock Water have still managed to have a fun year of learning this year. Despite the pandemic, Crummock have enjoyed all aspects of school and have broadened their knowledge about The Mayans, The
Amazon Rainforest, Earth and Space, Electricity, WW2 and much more!
As part of our Eco-Schools, Crummock have focused their attention to the Woodland Area in school and came up with plans to develop this area further in the future. Whilst improving their sketching techniques and observation skills, Crummock have spent hours studying the different plants, trees, wildlife and came up with ways to make the woodland more accessible.
We are mathematicians! This year, the children have worked endlessly to improve their confidence in maths and have particularly enjoyed their maths fun days! Dressing up as Rockstars, battling it out on TTRS, taking part in the Sumdog challenges and improving our knowledge of fractions have all been memorable experiences for Crummock.
“Using skittles and chocolate to help us with fractions in maths was an exciting lesson!” said Abi.
In DT, the children have used their skills and electricity knowledge to create their own Rainforest Circuit Bugs, which have light up eyes or antennas.
“This activity was tricky at first, but very fun. I enjoyed decorating my bug,” says Erynn.
In computing, we have thoroughly enjoyed planning and creating our own adverts to introduce our new leavers programme – “I’M A YEAR 6, GET ME OUT OF HERE!” We have developed our teamwork skills (sharing and discussing ideas in groups) and used iMovie to put our adverts together.
“Creating our own adverts was fun and awesome!” adds Jayden.
This term, we have been very lucky to have the opportunity to take part in Wheel Chair Basketball, which was led by a World champion player – Nat Pattinson! All of the children had a chance to try their hand at wheelchair basketball in a bid to understand social inclusion.
“We had a ‘wheely’ good time!” jokes Aidan.
As well as Wheel Chair Basketball, Crummock have taken part in Boogie Bounce, Tag Rugby, Tri-golf and created dances with Razzamataz. We have loved PE this term.
Despite Year 6 not being at all what we expected it to be, we have all made the most of our school year in Bubble A and we will be taking plenty of memories to secondary school with us.