Welcome to Bassenthwaite Lake Class Page. We are all looking forward to the new school year and the challenges and opportunities that we will face. We are all looking forward to being in Year 6.
We are really trying to push ourselves this year with our reasoning in maths, so that we become Maths Masters! As a class, we are trying to ‘Dive Deeper’ and explore our thinking. We question our thinking and try to find a variety of ways to solve problems.
We love reading in Bassenthwaite! Children have their own reading book that they can read in school and we expect that children should take their book home with them and strive for five! We are also about to start our class guided reading text. This term we will be reading Cogheart and have made several links to it in writing, project, computing and PE.
A target for us as a class this year, is to make sure we are always working at the Year 6 standard. We have great responsibilities as Year 6’s, whether it is a Buddy, Sports Leader, Singing Leader or Digital Leader. We always makes sure we are doing the best that we can!
Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your School Councillor or your teacher know!
Have you seen Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some exciting websites. You can vote for your favourites!
Remember to visit Frog every week and Sumdog each day to keep your English and Maths skills sharp!