Creepy House Notebook
A, B or C evidence Pages to work upon:
Tasks relating to A, B or C
Part A: Discover- Children should take part in a range of activities to widen their experience and understanding of the arts. E.g. An Actual Day in the Real Life of Chris Riddell (pages 3 and 4)
The children are asked to study the illustrations of Chris's day. They can be asked to think about what they noticed about what he does- you could prompt the children to think about what his imaginary work is , are the people he meets real or characters from his books/illustrations/life
Part B Find Out.
Children need to find out about the artists ( including writers and their work to develop their understanding of the arts practice. They should record what they have found out.)
Think about it -(Page 5)
Children are asked to record what they notice about Chris's day, here is their chance to record what they think about Chris's illustrations of a day in his life, children are asked to think that all artists work in the same way. (Find out.)
Part A Discover
Ishmael the Mouse asks children draw an imaginary character of your own.(Page 6)
Using inspiration from Chris's illustration children are asked to create a drawing of their own ( participation illustration/drawing)
Part A -Discover
Goth Girl/Ishmael the Mouse ( Pages 7 and 8)
Children are invited to read an excerpt from the upcoming Chris Riddell book Goth Girl (participation/ literature)
Part A Discover
How to Draw Ishmael
( Pages 9 and 10)
Children are guided through the drawing of Ishmael the Mouse and asked to draw Ismael.
( Participation : illustration/drawing)
Part A: Discover
Think about it. ( Page 11)
Children are asked to use their imagination to develop new characters, poetry , and /or drawings inspired by Creepy House and the activities above, they can also use other art forms to express their art/inspiration , e.g. music , dance .(Discover /participation)
NB: It may be necessary for children to evidence this on separate sheets that can be attached to their Creepy House notebook. If they produce a performance, e.g. music , dance , exhibition, etc this could be recorded, photographed.
Part A Discover
Think about Art ( Page 12)
Part A:- Discover
Children are asked to think beyond the notebook and confines of the library setting and consider art forms they may see in their life and world.
(Discover, find out.)
Part B; find Out
Discover More (pages 13 and 14)
Relates to Part B: Find Out
Children are encouraged to discover art and literature both within the library or through visiting other organisations .They can record what they have found out in the notebook and share it with Summer Reading Challenge staff or volunteers. (Find Out )
Part A Discover and Share Part C
Summer Record
Children are asked to think about ways in which they can record their experiences and inspirations.
Children are asked how they can share this with others. (Discover, participation)
Part C Share it Out (page 17)
Participants should share what they enjoyed with others. The need to evidence what was shared and whom it was shared with.
Children are asked to share their experiences and inspiration from the Summer Reading Challenge and Creepy Notebook with others. They are asked who they shared it with and how they shared it. This will be shared with class teachers and Miss Rollings in September.