On Tuesday November 6th, a fabulous day was enjoyed by all as the entire school had a opportunity to work with a famous writer... Yes, Alan Gibbons! During the morning he worked with years 5 and 6 and developed a story from World War 1 in the trenches. During the afternoon he worked with years 3 and 4.
We had our jotters ready as we developed our writing during the course of the session. We learned special writing techniques and used fantastic powerful verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Our writing came to life. We also learned that when you are using speech marks, you write as you speak!
After the session we were able to ask Alan lots of questions. We learned that he travels around the world, loves boxing , has 4 children and just loves his job. He doesn't think that he will ever stop writing!!
The icing on the cake was that Wordsworth Book shop visited us that day. They were just superb, they encouraged us to browse and really enjoy the books that they had displayed for us. We each had a book wish, knowing that we would be very lucky if it was granted. Our school sold £350 worth of books, so we have lots of happy readers.
Andrea and John love to see children from North Lakes, so don't forget to call in to their shop and coffee house in St Andrew’s Churchyard over Christmas even if it is just for a browse. They do a superb Hot Chocolate. Delicious!