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RYD Birds of Prey Discovery Day (Mar 2022)

On Friday 25th March, Year 5 and 6 spent an enjoyable and extremely interesting day with Richard Cooper from Silverband Falconry.


We met a variety of birds of prey and found out about how they are adapted to survive, perfectly enriching our Spring Term Science topic of Evolution and Inheritance. We spent time  practicing our sketching skills, closely observing the features of the different birds and  every member of Year 5 and 6 got the chance to hold an African White Faced Owl.


We finished our day by inviting Year 3 and 4 to join us on the yard to watch an incredible flying display. It really was super to see the incredible birds in action.


“Today we got to see lots of magnificent birds. This was one of the best days of my life and I can’t believe what I saw! I loved it.” Francesco (Y6)

“I enjoyed learning about all of the birds and especially how they all adapt” Crystal (Y6)

“I really enjoyed meeting Richard and was amazed  at the size of the birds claws!” Charlie (Y5)

“Loved every part of  it; enjoyed meeting Richard; Loved holding the bird (which was surprisingly heavy) and thought the flight show was amazing” Elliot (Y6)

“I liked watching the flight show because the birds were very clever, entertaining and quiet” Lily (Y5)

