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Promoting Positive Behaviour & Anti Bullying

The school aims to work in partnership with home to support the emotional development and build the self-esteem of children so that they may grow into responsible and caring young people. We recognise the importance of a positive climate for learning, and staff have adopted the Thrive Approach which supports children’s emotional development within a safe environment.  We work together to develop positive and supportive relationships that value and respect each member of our own community and the wider world.


All parents are asked to sign the Home/School Agreement annually, and in so doing, agree to support this approach. A copy of the school's Positive Behaviour Policy is available on the website and was revised in consultation with parents in 2021. We aim to ensure that all children learn to take responsibility for their choices and actions, and that positive behaviour is recognised and rewarded. Expectations and responsibilities are clearly shared and understood through the School Rules and the children's Personal Code of Conduct.


Inappropriate behaviour is met with a fair and assertive response, while children are encouraged to reflect on their behaviour and future actions. Any sanction is directed at the action, and not at the child. If a child’s behaviour is consistently or severely inappropriate then parents are contacted to discuss the problem, so that home and school can work together.


‘Staff provide a nurturing environment which develops pupils’ confidence.’ – Ofsted 2018


Updated July 2023
