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Curriculum PE & Clubs (July 2017)

This has been a busy term for all year groups in their curriculum PE lessons. Mrs Ellwood returned to work once again to coach the with the Year3/4 classes and to provide some valuable professional development for our teachers. The aim of this programme is to share good practice so all teachers can then learn and go on to provide high quality PE lessons. We also had a number of PE specialist coaches working with us. In Y5&6 Cricket coach John Foxcroft worked with all classes and provided 6 coaching sessions covering batting and bowling skills. It was amazing to see how all children improved and so many can now bowl consistently overarm!


In Year3&4 Matt Owens has provided quality football coaching and Ina Wightman and team have continued to work with the children on Gymnastic skills using the wonderful facilitates at Penrith Lesiure Centre.


As a school, we work in partnership with the Eden Valley Schools Sports Partnership team who provide endless sporting opportunities, competitive and non-competitive, for all our youngsters at North Lakes. The team are such a valued part of North Lakes and work tirelessly to deliver many sporting opportunities for the children in Eden.


SPORTS CLUBS: A number of clubs have run after school this term – Multi skills for Y3&4 and Y5&6, Cricket coaching for all year groups and Football training provided by Carlisle United. We hope to continue to offer a range of extra-curricular sporting clubs next term. Watch out for our parents sport questionnaire on the new parent portal next month! We are always looking for new ideas and are happy to hear parents’ views and suggestions.


Many congratulations to all children who have made a super effort this year to be more active. We have run two schemes at North Lakes to get as many children as possible to commit to a more fit and healthier lifestyle:


FEET FIRST: A big well done to all children who took part in the feet first initiative and have walked, scooted, run to school for at least a day a week. All children who made that change in their life will receive a small pin badge from their class teacher to show your commitment and success!


100 MILE CHALLENGE:  What an inspiring challenge this has been with over 75 of our pupils reaching the 100 mile target! It’s simply amazing to clock up the miles and so good for your well-being and motivation levels. All certificates have now been issued and those who have successfully completed the full challenge have their name placed on the wall of honour in the school hall. Well done again to all those who managed to record their efforts and bag those 100 miles.


Both challenges begin again in September with a slightly different theme to both. Do keep active over the Summer; why not set your family a challenge to complete a 100 miles during the month of August? We would love to hear your stories in September about all your activities over the summer holidays.

By Mrs Greenwood

