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Sports Day (July 2011)

We were blessed with fantastic sunshine on Wednesday 13 July for our Annual North Lakes School Sports Day. It was a bright day in so many ways, with the children showing great competitive spirit, co-operation and a real sense of enjoyment and fun, as they participated keenly in their whole school teams and colours.




Thanks to all of the adults in school and to sports leaders from UCC who led a range of activities including javelin, hurdles, tunnel ball, netball, hockey, welly filling, a drainpipe challenge and disc relay. These tested the children’s teamwork as well as their agility, skill and speed.

The climax of the event came with the individual sprints and team relays.


In the team work competition points were awarded for sporting behaviour, attitude, co-operation and behaviour. Many congratulations to GREAT GABLE, winners of the outstanding team work trophy!




Well done to all the children who competed so well on the day, making it a really enjoyable event for everyone.