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Sponsored Walk (Oct 2018)

This term the whole school was challenged to complete a sponsored walk around our grounds. Everyone was energised and motivated to push themselves to walk or run as far as they could in one hour. The team spirit during the walk was fantastic to witness, with many children walking together, supporting each other and the older children encouraging the younger ones all the way round! We even saw siblings and family members challenging each other.


This event was huge success, with children and families over £1200 to support school visits and curriculum extension activities. Congratulations and many thanks to the individual pupils who raised the most money for school, who were Shay, Greta and Finlay. 


The children who walked the furthest in their year groups were:

  • Y3 Noah (19 laps), Amelia F, Amelia G, Amelia R, Ella, Lacie, Millie & Natasha (12 laps)
  • Y4 Oliver (19 laps), Abi (15 laps)
  • Y5 Besir (18 laps), Greta, Lucie (15 laps)
  • Y6 Connor H (18 laps), Ruby (16 laps)

Thank you all for your support and well done to everyone for putting in their best effort!                        
