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Panto Time - The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Nov 13)

A highlight for us at this time of year is always a visit from M&M theatre company. The actors arrived very early at school, then made their way down to UCC where they warmed up their voices and got into character.


The actors were all fantastic!! There were only four, but each had several parts each, giving 100% and we were all dancing in the aisles as the actors sang and entertained us. UCC provided us with the opportunity to feel as though we were sitting in the theatre as we sat in the Cumberland Hall in their tiered seating!!


The feedback from the actors was amazing. “ As we stood on stage we could see our audience on their feet, singing , dancing and being thoroughly entertained. It made our day. We knew the children were enjoying it.” The theatre experience provides inspiration for our own drama, reading, writing, art and music.


Thanks to everyone actors, UCC, children and parents!! A real life theatre treat for the whole school!!
