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NLS Choir perform a Platinum performance of Gloria! (Dec 2014)

The start of Christmas celebrations at North Lakes always begins with the annual Penrith Schools’ Music Association Carol Festival at St Andrew’s Church which this year celebrated its 30th Festival! 

Yet again North Lakes Christmas Choir gave another ‘Platinum’ performance, having worked so hard through most of their lunchtimes and at home over the past few weeks. This year’s carol ‘Gloria’ was again written by Jilly Jarman, accompanied by our own instrumentalists on Bass, Flutes and Drums , with a special guest appearance by former pupil and Singing Leader, Harry, who accompanied our carol on guitar.

Here are some of the comments from our Guestbook and Facebook page:

“A beautiful performance, well done to everyone involved” Mrs Hope
“A fantastic performance by our choir, well done to all the pupils and staff of NLS – the whole night really does put you in a Christmas mood!” Sonia Grey
“NLS Choir really sing out – they really are Fab!” Mrs Jarman

The Carol Festival is a unique collaborative, non-competitive event which celebrates the musical talents in everyone regardless of ability. Our children were, once again, a credit to the school. 

North Lakes would like to thank everyone who came along to support the children; parents, governors, and staff. Not forgetting everyone who made this event possible and Lakeland Music and Wordsworth Bookshop for selling tickets.

