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A word from Mr Pincombe! (July 2015)

As another exciting and successful year draws to a close I would like to thank all parents, staff and governors for their support. This has been a very busy term and all of the staff have worked very hard to provide a great range of opportunities for the children as this newsletter shows. Thanks to our governors for their help in continually improving the school, and many thanks to parents who support us with homework, and encourage the children in so many other ways.


It is time to say goodbye to Year 6, a hugely talented group of individuals who also work very well as a team. We wish them every happiness and success in their new schools. They have worked extremely hard, with virtually all of the children meeting the challenging targets by the end of the year. Their progress is very strong once again- well done to all, and good luck!


Remember all the important term dates are on the school website and please encourage the children to visit Sumdog as well as joining the Library Challenge over the holidays. Have a great summer and we look forward to seeing the new Years 3 to 6, refreshed and eager to learn, on Monday 7th September!

